Educational Workshops for Daycare Providers
These workshops are also available:
“Daycare Facility and Physical Area Maintenance and Safety:
“Daycare Center Hazardous Material’s Management”:
Nutrition and Health for Children”
“Working with Difficult Parents”
“How to Build the Self-esteem of Children”
Communication Skills for Teachers”
“Caring for Children with Special Needs and Autism”
Immunization of Infectious Diseases
Children’s Communicable Diseases and Prevention Through Immunization” The increase in life expectancy is due to improvements in child survival; this increase is associated with reductions in infectious disease mortality due to immunization. This program covers an understanding of infectious diseases that are preventable through immunization. The participant will also learn of the immunizations required by law.
Common Childhood Illnesses and Prevention
When children are together in child care facilities, disease-causing germs are easily spread among them. Communicable diseases are those diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protozoa that are passed from one person to another. It is important to recognize when a child is sick so steps can be taken to obtain medical care and prevent the spread of disease to others.
Children’s Allergies
A child who sneezes or coughs a lot frequently develops a rash or hives, or who gets a stomachache, cramps, or nausea after eating certain foods may have allergies. This program will teach you about children’s food allergies, prevention, and steps that you need to take to help children with allergies.
How to Develop a Daycare Emergency Preparedness Plan
Many children under the age of five spend their daytime hours in child care centers or child care home. Emergencies occurring during hours of operation require pre-planning. A child care center or child care home’s primary responsibility is assuring the safety of children. Therefore, it is imperative to have a comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan with policies and procedures to be followed in case of a disaster occurs. This program will show you how.
Stress Management for Daycare Providers
Fear, anxiety, frustration, anger is a common symptom for many in today’s society. And we get these emotional quirks at work, home, and family. All these symptoms cause stress, and when excessive stress is not controlled, it can have a devastating effect on our health and mental state. In essence, we become ineffective as human beings. This workshop will identify what causes stress and provide you with valuable information on how to manage it and live a stress-free life
Reading to Young Children
Reading to young children is critical to brain development. Reading to young children promotes language acquisition and is linked with literacy development and, later on, with achievement in reading comprehension and overall success in school. Children who are read to do better in school. This program will teach you the dynamics of how to make reading interesting to children so that they will enjoy the experience and at the same time benefit from the positive effects that reading can have on children.
COVID 19 Awareness and Prevention
Learn how to recognize and prevent the virus that is affecting people worldwide. Know the symptoms, and take the necessary precautions to continue operating your child care center.
Business Etiquette for Daycare Providers
This workshop examines the basics of business etiquette. It looks at the consideration of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and 'the handshake,' conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences, interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette.
Seasonal Arts and Crafts
This workshop is hands-on that will show the participant how to do arts and crafts relevant to the current season or holiday, i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, and Easter, etc.
Brain “Matters” in Children
The brain is the central processing unit for all the functions of the human body. Millions of years have created the evolution of the human brain which is far superior to any other creature. The development of the brain starts in the womb and continues on to adulthood. It is important for the daycare provider to understand when and how the brain develops in children and how it affects their physical, social, and psychological development. This program will teach you how.
Teaching and Children’s Learning Styles
One size does not fit all. Children have different personality styles, and each personality prefers to learn differently. Understanding what interests, motivates, and children prefer it is critical in teaching and the development of children. This workshop will teach you the four temperaments that children and have and how to best accommodate them.
Recognizing and Preventing Child Abuse
More than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse is the most noticeable, other types are; emotional, sexual, and neglect. By learning about abuse and what you can do, you can make indifferent in a child’s life. The earlier an abused child gets help, the better chance a child has to heal. Learn about child abuse, break the cycle, and find out how you can help.
Teaching Children by Using Magic Tricks
Get their attention, and you capture their attention and motivation to learn. This program teaches you simple magic tricks that will provide you with the opportunity to introduce subjects so that children can learn.
Transportation Safety for Children
Learn the latest state of the art transportation requirements for the transportation of children. Topics include Your program's operational policies related to transportation such as:
a) Specific equipment and documentation to keep in vehicle
b) Emergency procedures
c) Communication between program and driver before, during, and after transport
d) Pick -up and delivery of children
e) Maintenance and inspection of vehicles
f) Field trip procedures.
Positive Guidance for Children A-Z
This workshop takes each of the letters of the alphabet and shows you how you can manage and change the unwanted behavior of children into behaviors that are positive and encouraging.
Developing Curriculum and Lesson Plans
A wise person once said, “She who does not have a plan is planning to fail.” In order to be a more effective teacher, one must know and understand the school’s curriculum and know-how to develop and write an effective lesson plan. This program will show you how. Having a relevant lesson plan for the week, month or year will help you better manage and control your classroom.
Cultural Diversity Education
Regardless of the racial or ethnic makeup of a Center, teachers need to develop a multicultural environment in which they: (1) teach children to respect others' cultures and values; (2) help children learn to function successfully in a multicultural, multiracial society; (3) develop a positive self-concept in those children who are most affected by racism; (4) help all children experience, in positive ways, both their differences as culturally diverse people and their similarities as human beings; and (5) encourage children to view people of diverse cultures working together as unique parts of a whole community. This program will show you how.
Classroom Management
Classroom management is the ability of a teacher to maintain effective control and organization of students, materials, and resources to be able to deliver quality education to children. This program will show you how.